SafetyShield 700
Technical Specifications
Total Solar Energy:
Transmitted% 75.0
Reflected% 7.0
Absorbed% 18.0
Visible Light:
Transmitted% 88.0
Reflected External % 9.0
Reflected Internal % 9.0
Glare Reduction % 1.0
Solar Heat Gain
Coefficient % 0.81
Shading Coefficient 0.93
Total Solar Energy
Rejection % 20.0
Infrared Rejection % 32.0
UFactor 1.05
Emissivity 0.91
Ultraviolet Rejection %
Exceeds 99.0
Physical Properties:
Film Thickness 0.008"
Break Strength 210 lbs.
Structural Component 0.007"
Elongationat Break 150%
Per Inch (Width)
Structure Single Ply
Tensile Strength 28.000 PSI Avg.
Peel Strength 5 to 6 lbs. Per Inch Width
Adhesive Type Acrylic Pressure Sensitive
SafetyShield 800
Technical Specifications
Total Solar Energy:
Transmitted % 74.0
Reflected % 8.0
Absorbed % 18.0
Visible Light:
Transmitted % . 87.0
Reflected External % . 9.0
Reflected Internal % 9.0
Glare Reduction % 2.0
Shading Coefficient 0.92
Infrared Rejection % 34.0
U Factor 1.05Emissivity 0.90
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient % 0.80
Total Solar Energy Rejection % 20.0
Ultraviolet Rejection % Exceeds 99.0
Physical Properties:
Film Thickness 0.0095"
Structural Component 0.008"
Structure Multi-Ply Laminate
Adhesive Type Acrylic Pressure Sensitive
Tensile Strength 28.000 PSI Avg. MG/TD
Break Strength 240 lbs. Per Inch (Width)
Peel Strength 5 to 6 lbs. Per Inch Width
Elongation at Break 150%
SafetyShield 1.500
Technical Specifications
Total Solar Energy:
Transmitted. 71.0
Reflected% 8.0
Absorbed% 21.0Visible Light:
Transmitted% 85.0
ReflectedExternal % 10.0
ReflectedInternal 10.0
UFactor 1.04
Emissivity 0.90GlareReduction %. 4.0
SolarHeat Gain Coefficient % 0.78
ShadingCoefficient 0.89
TotalSolar Energy Rejection % 20.0
InfraredRejection%. 0.41
UltravioletRejection% Exceeds 99.0
Physical Properties:
FilmThickness 0.017"
StructuralComponent 0.015"
Elongation at Break 150%Structure Multi-PlyLaminate
AdhesiveType Acrylic Pressure Sensitive
TensileStrength 28.000 PSI Avg. MG/TD
Break Strength 450lbs. PerInch (Width)
PeelStrength 5 to 6 lbs. Per Inch Width
Jl.Joglo Raya, RT.7/RW.1, Joglo, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat,Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11640